/ Terra Photos

What is Terra Photos?

Terra Photos is a smart photo management application that applies an AI ​​algorithm to recognize and classify faces, pets, things, and scenes in various photos within a specified directory, making it easy to sort, classify, and share photos through the built-in graphical interface. Terra Photos is thus an ideal photo management tool for home users, photographers, and creative agencies.

AI face recognition

Terra Photos has a built-in AI algorithm that can automatically recognize and classify faces with an accuracy rate of up to 80%. Terra Photos also provides manual correction methods for any non-recognized faces, offering greater convenience during photo management.

Broader AI applications

As well as undertaking face recognition, Terra Photos can also automatically identify pictures in dozens of categories, including pets, objects, landscapes, sports, vehicles, and flowers, based on its enhanced AI operations. Terra Photos also provides users with a range of smart management tools, greatly increasing the usefulness of the photo management software.

Geographical Classification

By integrating GPS location information for photos based on map resources, Terra Photos can automatically categorize photos by geographic location, making it easier for you to quickly search photos.

Take into account personal privacy and sharing

Terra Photos adopts a separate storage strategy for personal photos and shared photos. These are stored in directories with different access rights, which helps to protect personal privacy while facilitating the sharing of photos between family members or business customers. Share with confidence.

Flat UI

Terra Photos uses a flat user interface to display a user's most commonly used categories in the first-level directory, which might include photos, albums, videos, people, pets, objects, locations, recently added, or favorites. This type of classification is more conducive to users finding target photos while browsing.

More flexible management strategies

Terra Photos' flexible query filtering strategy can help filter out the photos you want based on identifying the name and time of the photo, using a combination of the year, month, and day in ascending and descending order.

Share happiness and creativity

Terra Photos provides users with sharing tools, allowing them to create photos or share albums as well as to flexibly formulate sharing strategies based on sub-defining sharing titles, sharing links, effective times, access passwords, and download permissions. Terra Photos thus provides an easier way to undertake both home-sharing and business-client sharing.